Thursday, 26 March 2009
A mere 75 miles today down through the Cotswolds and Chilterns to the Youth Hostel just outside Beaconsfield. It is certainly rustic with a small and sociable set of regular guests (where else can you get a bed for £14?) and Nicola the Warden making me welcome. This-room sleeps 6, but its just me and my bike.
Disaster on the GPS front the lead on the Li-polmer battery broke on the bumps on the Oxford canal towpath and my spare batteries were flat. Added to that my MP3 speaker rubber cover split so I was music-less for a couple of hours. Fortunately at my lunchstop in Thame with Kate I raided Steve toolbox and under sink cupboard for a circuit tester, soldering iron and old rubber glove. Little David helped me after I brided him with choc. Hob-nobs.
Some bizzare sculptures on old railway line towards Princes Risborough. Fully tested waterproofs in the squally showers.
All in all a good day.