Monday, 4 May 2009

GPSed Track "Sanquhar to Arran"

View my new track "Sanquhar to Arran" started in United Kingdom, Scotland, Sanquhar.

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  1. I have just picked up your blog again after missing it for a few days, sounds like your having a fab time, wish I was there! Some parts seem a bit demanding though, especially the N Westerly! Enjoying the comments.
    Mark Ellis

  2. Just looked at your route. Wondering why you are stopping in Orkney and not going on to Shetland? It seems a bit slack. Tim and I cycled about 3 miles today and now I need a lie-down....
    Keep it up,
    Adele (and her boys).

  3. HI richard!,
    Hope you get this as last time I tried it didn't work. You are doing fantastically well, we are so impressed! Not surprised you are making lots of new friends on your way too. The bit about Francis breaking wind appealed to our David, who is a bit of an expert in that area! Keep going! Love Mandy Tutt and co

  4. Richard,
    sounds brill, if hard work in the wind. Keep going!
    Richard Dickson
