Sunday, 10 May 2009

GPSed Track "Carbisdale to Durness"

View my new track "Carbisdale to Durness" started in United Kingdom, Scotland, Alness.

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  1. Well done! You are making wonderful progress! I hope that you have better weather over the next few days. I have been given another £20 for NOTDEC today as a result of your cycle ride, and £80 earlier in the week. John has also received money. Plans for the NOTDEC BBQ on Saturday are falling into place - about 260 coming!! We are praying for fine weather. Janet

  2. Hi Richard, it looks a little better weather wise now you could be going to get a sun tan. I have been to Carbisdale in my youth the hostel is impressive, keep riding, see you when you get back, we will not be able to keep up. Good news about the sponsership. Keith

  3. Looks like you are having fun. Wednesday nights are going to seem so tame in the future! I am, once again, a regular cyclist, but am well short of your fitness level. Keep slogging over those hills.
